Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Branded Client Portals Are More Welcoming

Progressive law firms are offering clients with their own 'branded' portal in which the client logs in from the law firm website and lands on a client tailored page with their logo displayed. This provides the client with a much more welcoming front entrance to their information with their own branding inside the portal.

With Legal AnywhereConnect, this can be created very quickly by the law firm with minimal to no IT time involved and offers a significant advantage over using the generic commodity based file sharing tools that may not reflect the law firm's commitment to that client.

Legal AnywhereConnect™ quickly and easily transforms your extranet into a branded marketing tool to enhance your client service.

Contact Us for more information on how a branded extranet can positively impact your firm.

Schedule a 20 minute demo to learn more by clicking here: Request Demo